The School Day
Weekly Total Hours for Pupils: 32.5
7:45am School opens for Breakfast Club Provision
8:00am School office opens
8:50am School doors open for all year groups
9:00am School starts for all year groups
10:15am Y3 and Y4 morning break
11:00am Y5 and Y6 morning break
11:30am - 12:30pm Y3 lunch break
11:45am - 12:45pm Y4 lunch break
12:15pm - 1:15pm Y5 lunch break
12:30pm - 1:30pm Y6 lunch break
(Hive and Nest as well as afternoon breaks to be taken at the discretion of staff in accordance with the needs of pupils)
3:30pm School day ends for all year groups
4:00pm School office closes
4:30pm After-school wraparound care closes (Friday)
5.00 pm School office closes (Monday to Thursday)
5:30pm After-school wraparound care closes (Monday to Thursday) and school closes for the day
The school also has weekly assemblies led by Deputy Head Teacher, Miss Ward, and Head Teacher, Mr. Ward, on a Monday and Friday.