Barnes Junior School

Proud to learn, proud to achieve

The School Day

Weekly Total Hours for Pupils: 32.5

7:45am  School opens for Breakfast Club Provision

8:00am  School office opens

8:50am  School doors open for all year groups

9:00am School starts for all year groups 

10:15am Y3 and Y4 morning break

11:00am Y5 and Y6 morning break

11:30am - 12:30pm Y3 lunch break

11:45am - 12:45pm Y4 lunch break

12:15pm - 1:15pm Y5 lunch break

12:30pm - 1:30pm Y6 lunch break

(Hive and Nest afternoon breaks to be taken at the discretion of staff in accordance with the needs of pupils)

3:30pm  School day ends for all year groups 

4:00pm  School office closes (Friday only)

4:30pm  After-school wraparound care closes (Friday only)

5.00 pm School office closes (Monday to Thursday)

5:30pm  After-school wraparound care closes (Monday to Thursday)

The school also has weekly assemblies led by the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher, on a Monday and Friday.