Barnes Junior School

Proud to learn, proud to achieve

School Uniform

As a school community, we feel it is very important that children look smart and and wear uniform every day. Uniform standards will be monitored by your child's class teacher.


Our Uniform Expectations:

  • Red jumper/cardigan with or without logo
  • White polo shirt with or without logo
  • Grey/black trousers/skirt
  • Red summer dress (seasonal)
  • Black smart, sensible shoes 




P.E. Kit:

  • School P.E hoodie with or without initials (optional)
  • P.E. t-shirt in house colour (yellow for Bowes, red for Ettrick, blue for Pemberton or green for Dalton)
  • Black shorts or black/grey tracksuit bottoms (no logos)
  • Sensible trainers 

Please click on the following link to order any PE Hoodies with initials from the school office:

Hoodie Order Form

Uniform can be ordered all year round via the Tots to Teams website for either home delivery or to be sent directly to school.

Please click on the logo to go to Tots to Teams Website