Barnes Junior School

Proud to learn, proud to achieve

Parent Information


Schoolcomms is the main communication tool used by the school. It can be downloaded from your app store on your smart device, or accessed via a web browser if you do not have a device. 

The app is used to collect payments for dinner money as well as trips, music lessons, clubs, wraparound care and other items throughout the year.

The messaging platform allows us to send messages directly to your device or to your email address and this is therefore how the majority of communication from school is sent out including letters and termly newsletters.

All you need to set up an account linked with your child in school is an email address and a mobile number. If you require instructions on how to set up an email account you can click here - or alternatively contact the office and we will be happy to help.


First Aid

When your child has an accident in school they will be treated by a First Aider. The Schools dedicated First Aid room is available to students during break and lunch times and students will be treated from the office if they injure themselves during the school day. Accident forms are kept and stored securely as well as sending home copies for parents/carers to keep you informed.

If your child suffers a minor head injury in school such as a bump you will also be informed by app message as well as receiving a paper form at the end of the school day. 

If your child suffers a more serious injury, you will be contacted by telephone as soon as possible. 



Request for exceptional leave

If your child will not attend school for any planned reason (excluding medical/dental appointments, where it has not been possible to book them outside of school hours) a request for exceptional leave should be submitted to the school office as soon as possible. 

Exceptional Leave Form

Amendments to the 2006 regulations remove reference to family holiday and extended leave as well as the statutory threshold of ten school days.  The amendments make clear that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.



Please see the policy section for information regarding our complaints procedure.


Junior Leadership Team (JLT)

At the beginning of each academic year, we run an election campaign across every class in the school. The children get the opportunity to make a pitch and suggest why they feel they would be the best JLT representative for their class. Each class then have a vote and a child is chosen. JLT children will remain in role until the next academic year.

Class representatives get the chance to speak openly at the JLT meetings; we discuss the positives of our curriculum, highlight potential changes to the school or classroom and any issues that have come to light. Our representatives then feedback to their classes.

The main aim of our Junior Leadership Team is to enable our children to have a voice and take an active part in their own learning and their school environment.


Any medications that need to be taken during the school day should be handed into the school office and relevant paperwork filled in at this time. Please read the following before handing in medication to the office:

We are only able to administer medication that has been prescribed by your child's GP - we are not able to administer pain relief such as Calpol that has not been prescribed

We can only administer medication that is prescribed to be taken four times a day or more

Children are not permitted to carry their own medication in school (with the exception of inhalers for asthma if consent form has been signed) and will be required to come down to the office to receive their medication

All staff administering medication have relevant training and all medications are stored in a secure cabinet throughout the school day, refrigeration is also available if it is required.


Lost Property

The school encourages parents/carers to label children's property to ensure it can be returned to them if it is misplaced. However, when items do go missing, they are placed in the lost property area of the school library. You are welcome to come into school and look for missing items at the end of each school day when the children have gone home. 

The majority of our lost property is generated by coats/bags being left hung on the fence at the end of break/lunch times - all items left outside will be placed in the lost property area and should be collected at the end of the school day.

We will provide opportunities for parents to view lost property that remains in the basket at the end of term. All lost property not claimed at the end of each year will be added to our 'pre-loved' collection or donated to charity.