Barnes Junior School

Proud to learn, proud to achieve

School Meals and Lunchtimes



At Barnes Junior School, our pupils  have a number of options with regards to lunchtime arrangements:

  • School lunch (hot or cold option)
  • Packed lunch from home
  • Home lunch (any child going home for lunch should be collected and returned to school by an adult)   

As a school, we try to encourage our children to be healthy and encourage them to try a range of food, with fresh salad and fruit being freely available every day. If you decide to provide your child with a packed lunch from home, we ask that you do not include fizzy pop or chocolate bars as part of their packed lunch (flavoured water and biscuits are acceptable).  

Our school lunches are prepared and cooked on site by our fantastic team of on-site caterers. Balanced, healthy meals are provided and special dietary requirements are catered for wherever possible - please contact the school office to discuss any special requirements your child may have.

Pupils are cared for by our team of Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants and members of our school staff. We have a range of lunchtime activities and playtime games to encourage health and well-being.

Pupils do have the option of changing from dinner to packed lunch and vice versa; however, we do ask for a minimum of 1 week's notice via the school office or a message/e-mail from home.




The below link details the School Meals menu:

School Meals 2024 - 2025


At Barnes Junior School, we strongly believe that children need to be safe and healthy.  We provide water bottles and water coolers. Research has indicated that water does have a positive effect on children’s behaviour and learning ability.


Dinner Money

The price of a school meal is £2.40 per day  (£12.00 per week).  Dinner money is payable ahead of Monday morning by online payment via the Sunderland City Council website, or via the SchoolComms App.  Please note: the school office does not accept cash payments.  

If you prefer, you can make advance payment of a full half term - a message is sent at the beginning of each half term detailing the cost.


Free School Meal Applications

It is essential to make an application for Free School Meals if you think your child is eligible, even if they prefer to have a packed lunch.  If your application is successful, your child does not have to take a school meal, however, the school receives additional funding for your child.  The quickest and easiest way to apply for free school meals  is via the Family Portal at:

Applying via this link will enable Together For Children (previously known as Children's Services at Sunderland City Council) to communicate securely with parents about their application and is completely confidential. If you require any support in making an application, please do not hesitate to contact the school office or Business Manager who will be happy to help.